
Welcome to 3rd Grade Welcome to 3rd Grade Clip Art

Hoping to aid your 4th-grader with reading and writing skills? Here are some basic tips that experts advise for any fourth-grader.

Encourage reading

Find means to encourage your kid to read independently. Make sure that they take the time and space to devote to reading and that they accept enough of material to read for fun. Take your kid to the library regularly.

Use technology to encourage reading

Learn how to use technology to help develop your quaternary-grader's growing interest in reading. There is a large selection of online books for children, many with interactive features such as animations or vocalisation recording. You tin also encourage their interest in reading by helping him find online sites about topics that interest him.

Talk over what your kid is reading

Ask your child well-nigh the books they are reading, both in schoolhouse and for fun. Try to ask probing questions that go across having them simply relate the activeness in a book. Ask near the themes of what they are reading and encourage them to summarize what they are reading and hash out it with you.

Fix an example for good reading behavior

Go along to model good reading beliefs by discussing what you are reading. If yous've just read an interesting magazine article, tell your child what you lot learned from information technology.

Foster effective arguing

Encourage your child to larn to brand a good argument. If your kid wants the privilege to practice something that they have not previously been allowed to do, have them present an statement for doing then. Make sure your child can back upwards the claims they are making. If your kid says that all their friends are immune to do something, enquire them to substantiate that claim.

Talk over the news

Appoint your kid in a discussion about the news stories you see on television or hear on the radio while you're in the machine. Your child should be developing the skills that volition make them an informed and discerning consumer of information. Past discussing what is happening in the world, you can explain why certain issues are important and share your values with your kid.

Notice reasons to write

Existent writing can happen all the fourth dimension, both inside and outside school. Help your kid find useful reasons to write exterior school: A letter of complaint about a broken video game, an invitation to a get-together, or a request for data almost a sporting effect. Make writing continued to real life and not only an exercise.

Use a favorite story

Most children accept a favorite story that they ask their parents to tell them over and over once more, maybe about the day they were born or the time a special outcome took identify. Encourage your fourth-grader to write this story downwards and to brand a volume nearly it. Information technology could be illustrated with photos and could become a lasting family keepsake.

Play vocabulary games

Make a game out of broadening your kid's vocabulary. Cull 5 unfamiliar new words for them to learn each week and see how often anybody in the family can use those words in everyday conversation. This will aid improve your quaternary-grader's vocabulary, reading comprehension, and speaking skills.

Play storytelling games

A fun game to play in the car or dwelling house that can involve the whole family is "what happens next." Anybody should name a different object and then 1 person begins telling a story using all of these words. The next person must continue the story, picking up from where the concluding person stopped, while using at least one of the named objects, and having the story brand sense every bit it continues. The silliness of where the storyline goes, combined with the apply of the imagination, is a fun manner to exercise important listening and thinking skills.

To find out what your 4th-grader will be learning in English language Linguistic communication Arts class, check out our 4th grade English Language Arts skills page.

TODAY'south Parenting Guides resource were developed by NBC News Learn with the help of bailiwick-matter experts, including Joyce Epstein, Director, Center on School, Family and Customs Partnerships, Johns Hopkins Academy; Pamela Bricklayer, Program Director/Lecturer on Instruction, Harvard Graduate Schoolhouse of Education; Barbara Stripling, Senior Associate Dean, Syracuse University; Elfrieda "Freddy" Hiebert, President and CEO, TextProject; Linda Gambrell, Professor, Clemson University; and Nell Duke, Professor, University of Michigan, and align with the Mutual Core State Standards.


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